Monday, June 23, 2008



Well, almost.

I came down with some sort of bug last week which felt like a cold with added nausea, it sort of put me off the cycling and the dieting for a bit.

Friday saw a fresh weigh-in for the new competition (another 6 weeks, £10 each, winner takes all, 10 entrants) - 274lbs down from 296lbs... however, this time I didn't have shoes on and it was on a different set of scales.

I've eaten a lot this weekend (comfort eating/drinking while feeling ill) and I haven't done much exercise bar Dog Walking. Still, I'm about to set off on a 26 mile ride home, that'll help.
Random question, not really related to this post. Apart from "Get well soon"
Do you have a twitter account?
I'm all better thanks!

No, I've never really got into the whole Twitter thing!
Ah well never mind. Thought I saw a blog post on it aaaaggees ago.
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