Sunday, April 03, 2005


I'm rubbish at this

I haven't been able to stop the decline back in to "my old ways" which is a real disappointment to me. I haven't quite put all the weight I lost back on, but I'm well on the way and I just can't seem to keep up the effort.
It's strange because eating well and exercising really does seem to agree with me; I feel good when I do it and happier afterwards, also have more energy and a better outlook on life. It's strange then that I find doing it such a challenge.

I've decided to make an extra special effort at "damage control" and try at least not to put any more weight on. I have quite a bad cold at the moment so pounding the streets on foot or by bike isn't likely to happen (not that it did much anyway) but I can eat sensibly and try to be a bit less sedentary.

I have to make some big changes.
I want to bookmark the page so I can return here from you that you have done a fantastic job.
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